Le Boudoir de Marie-Antoinette

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 Un an dans la peau de Marie-Antoinette

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5 participants
Mr T

Mr T

Nombre de messages : 83
Date d'inscription : 09/09/2016

Un an dans la peau de Marie-Antoinette Empty
MessageSujet: Un an dans la peau de Marie-Antoinette   Un an dans la peau de Marie-Antoinette Icon_minitimeJeu 14 Déc - 8:19

Vous n'allez pas le croire ! Une gentille Américaine du Maitland a décidé de passer un an dans la peau de Marie-Antoinette. Pourquoi ?
Juste comme ça... La reine Marie-Antoinette est dans son milieu prolétaire synonyme d'arrogance donc elle a décidé d'entrer dans ses chaussures pour attirer l'attention.
Et, vous allez le voir, elle ne fait pas les choses à moitié ! Un an dans la peau de Marie-Antoinette 49856

Un an dans la peau de Marie-Antoinette Zzz410

Oui, ce sont des haltères. Un an dans la peau de Marie-Antoinette 244157
Vous en doutez ?

Un an dans la peau de Marie-Antoinette Zzz411

Et ça, oui...

Un an dans la peau de Marie-Antoinette Zzz412

C'est bien un rameur. Un an dans la peau de Marie-Antoinette 244157
Intéressant non ? Un an dans la peau de Marie-Antoinette 85158

Le duc d'Orléans est le vase dans lequel on a jeté toutes les ordures de la Révolution
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madame antoine

madame antoine

Nombre de messages : 6899
Date d'inscription : 30/03/2014

Un an dans la peau de Marie-Antoinette Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Un an dans la peau de Marie-Antoinette   Un an dans la peau de Marie-Antoinette Icon_minitimeJeu 14 Déc - 8:31

Voici un complément d'information sur cette initiative.

Seven months into her year as Marie Antoinette, Maitland’s Helen Hopcroft is starting to feel the heat.

“You turn into survival mode,” she said. “When the temperature gets high you have to ask yourself if five petticoats and a bumpad is really worth it.

“I’ve only got one wig and it’s starting to look like a mangy Pekingese.”

And with 40-degree days set to hit Maitland this week, Ms Hopcroft has just one plan to survive the heat.

“I think I’ll stay home and cuddle the air-conditioner,” she said.

Un an dans la peau de Marie-Antoinette Zzz411

Ms Hopcroft began the My Year as a Fairy Tale project on May 1 – a year dressed as last Queen of France before the French Revolution, who the phrase “let them eat cake” has been famously attributed to.

Despite the hot days ahead, Ms Hopcroft is committed to her craft, with the aim of using the costume to promote Maitland as a creative city. It seems to be working.

“There’s certainly been a number of creative projects pop up this year,” she said.

Un an dans la peau de Marie-Antoinette Zzz412

The artist-run Inside Out exhibition currently on display at Rutherford and East Maitland Libraries, cafe poetry program Verses, portable puppet show Frank’s Fantastic Fairy Tale Theatre which will feature in The Levee next year and an upcoming micro-film festival are several examples of Maitland’s thriving cultural scene she mentioned.

Vous lirez la suite des aventures de Ms Hopcroft en atours XVIIIe sur cette page.

Bien à vous

madame antoine

Plus rien ne peut plus me faire de mal à présent (Marie-Antoinette)
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Mr T

Mr T

Nombre de messages : 83
Date d'inscription : 09/09/2016

Un an dans la peau de Marie-Antoinette Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Un an dans la peau de Marie-Antoinette   Un an dans la peau de Marie-Antoinette Icon_minitimeJeu 14 Déc - 8:32

Nous relèverons le rapport tout particulier que le Nouveau Monde établit entre la reine Marie-Antoinette et la pratique des sports. Un an dans la peau de Marie-Antoinette 588717

Le duc d'Orléans est le vase dans lequel on a jeté toutes les ordures de la Révolution
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flower power

flower power

Nombre de messages : 516
Date d'inscription : 09/05/2015

Un an dans la peau de Marie-Antoinette Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Un an dans la peau de Marie-Antoinette   Un an dans la peau de Marie-Antoinette Icon_minitimeMar 10 Avr - 11:57

L'aventure se termine

Helen Hopcroft prepares to finish year as Marie Antoinette

After 11 months living as Marie Antoinette, Helen Hopcroft doesn’t know what her next project will be, but she does have a one thing in mind.

“People keep on asking me what I’m going to do next, and I think I’ll probably spend a week sitting on the sofa in grey tracksuit pants watching Rocky videos,” she said with a laugh.

The Maitland woman has “mixed feelings” about her Year as a Fairytale project coming to an end on April 30.

“I’m feeling quite ambivalent,” she said. “As much as I want to finish the project, I think I’ll miss this persona enormously.

Read more: Marie Antoinette’s year has begun
Marie, let them eat icy poles
“I’m looking forward to getting back into 21st century clothing. But yeah, I’ve got no idea what I’m going to wear.

“I was looking through my clothes and it’s kind of a weird feeling – it’s like sorting through a dead person’s wardrobe.

“I feel like I’ve lost one self and I don’t know which one will emerge in its place.”

Ms Hopcroft decided to dress as the last Queen of France every day for a year as a way of promoting Maitland as a cultural city, and she thinks it has worked.

“Most people think it’s as weird as hell, but strangely effective,” she said. “I mean you can’t ignore it.”

“It’s been a nice way of grabbing attention for Maitland and pivoting the conversation towards creativity.”

As well as helping to achieve goals for Maitland, Ms Hopcroft said the project had changed her.

“Physically it’s toughened me up, it’s quite an endurance event,’ she said. “I take a bottle of water with me everywhere so I’m constantly in survival mode.

“But psychologically, you know how there is two ways you can be powerful, you can either go around in a suit of armour and ignore nasty things, or you can just not care – I’ve hit the second. That’s the good thing about going around dressed like this, I just don’t give a stuff about people’s reactions.”

But would she do it again?

“Not in my life,” she said. “I want to thank everybody that has supported the project, because obviously it is a bit confronting having to deal with me when I’m like this.

“I would like to do some other large scale performance event that’s linked towards promoting Maitland as a creative city, but I don’t know what that’s going to look like yet.

“I was actually thinking of making my house into a giant artwork, because I’ve made my body into a tourist attraction, why not the house?”


a mortifying family tradition
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Hercule Poirot

Hercule Poirot

Nombre de messages : 261
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2017

Un an dans la peau de Marie-Antoinette Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Un an dans la peau de Marie-Antoinette   Un an dans la peau de Marie-Antoinette Icon_minitimeMer 11 Avr - 12:11

En réalité, il s'agit d'une expérience dans la peau d'une femme en grande robe à paniers. Mais le nom de Marie-Antoinette est plus racoleur.

Mais c'est tout le contraire d'un jeu.
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Nombre de messages : 40581
Date d'inscription : 23/05/2007

Un an dans la peau de Marie-Antoinette Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Un an dans la peau de Marie-Antoinette   Un an dans la peau de Marie-Antoinette Icon_minitimeJeu 12 Avr - 18:28

Farewell to Marie queen of the arts

Un an dans la peau de Marie-Antoinette R0_15410

After 11 months living as Marie Antoinette, Helen Hopcroft doesn’t know what her next project will be, but she does have a one thing in mind.

“People keep on asking me what I’m going to do next, and I think I’ll probably spend a week sitting on the sofa in grey tracksuit pants watching Rocky videos,” she said with a laugh.

The Maitland woman has “mixed feelings” about her Year as a Fairytale project coming to an end on April 30.

“I’m feeling quite ambivalent,” she said. “As much as I want to finish the project, I think I’ll miss this persona enormously.

“I’m looking forward to getting back into 21st century clothing. But yeah, I’ve got no idea what I’m going to wear.

Ms Hopcroft decided to dress as the last Queen of France every day for a year as a way of promoting Maitland as a cultural city, and she thinks it has worked.

“Most people think it’s as weird as hell, but strangely effective,” she said.

“I mean you can’t ignore it.”

rien que la mort peut me faire cesser de vous aimer
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Un an dans la peau de Marie-Antoinette
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