Le Boudoir de Marie-Antoinette

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 In the Shadow of the Empress

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2 participants


Nombre de messages : 1263
Date d'inscription : 22/10/2017

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MessageSujet: In the Shadow of the Empress   In the Shadow of the Empress Icon_minitimeSam 16 Jan - 13:08

Pour les fans de Marie-Thérèse tongue

In the Shadow of the Empress 56620810

In the Shadow of the Empress: The Defiant Lives of Maria Theresa, Mother of Marie Antoinette, and Her Daughters
by Nancy Goldstone

The vibrant, sprawling saga of Maria Theresa, the last of the House of Habsburg, and her three daughters: Marie Christine, Duchess of Teschen and Maria Theresa's favorite; Maria Carolina, Queen of Naples and Sicily; and the infamous Marie Antoinette, Queen of France

Out of the thrilling and tempestuous eighteenth century comes the sweeping family saga of beautiful Maria Theresa, a sovereign of extraordinary strength and vision, the only woman ever to inherit and rule the vast Habsburg empire in her own name, and three of her remarkable daughters: lovely, talented Maria Christina, governor-general of the Austrian Netherlands; spirited Maria Carolina, the resolute queen of Naples; and the youngest, Marie Antoinette, the glamourous, tragic queen of France, perhaps the most famous princess in history.

Unfolding against an irresistible backdrop of brilliant courts from Vienna to Versailles, embracing the exotic lure of Naples and Sicily, this epic history of Maria Theresa and her daughters is a tour de force of desire, adventure, ambition, treachery, sorrow, and glory.

Each of these women’s lives was packed with passion and heart-stopping suspense. Maria Theresa inherited her father’s thrones at the age of twenty-three and was immediately attacked on all sides by foreign powers confident that a woman would to be too weak to defend herself. Maria Christina, a gifted artist, who alone among her sisters succeeded in marrying for love, would face the same dangers that destroyed the monarchy in France. Resourceful Maria Carolina would usher in the golden age of Naples only to then face the deadly whirlwind of Napoleon. And, finally, Marie Antoinette, the doomed queen whose stylish excesses and captivating notoriety have masked the truth about her husband and herself for two hundred and fifty years.

Vividly written and deeply researched, In the Shadow of the Empress is the vibrant, riveting story of four remarkable women who changed the course of history.

Je ne sais pas ce que ça vaut. Déjà the infamous Marie-Antoinette ça ne m'inspire pas. tongue

X est la force deux fois pure
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Nombre de messages : 270
Date d'inscription : 01/05/2020

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MessageSujet: Re: In the Shadow of the Empress   In the Shadow of the Empress Icon_minitimeDim 2 Avr - 12:12

Pourtant ce livre n'est pas trop mal.
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In the Shadow of the Empress
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