Le Boudoir de Marie-Antoinette

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 Les Potins de Paris: Marie-Antoinette and the Revolution

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amazing grace

amazing grace

Nombre de messages : 72
Date d'inscription : 13/04/2016

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MessageSujet: Les Potins de Paris: Marie-Antoinette and the Revolution   Les Potins de Paris: Marie-Antoinette and the Revolution Icon_minitimeVen 18 Fév - 11:22

Set out with the Marquise des Potins for a tour based on the tragic fate of Marie-Antoinette
Discover the true story of Marie-Antoinette and her tragic fate. Gabrielle, the Marquise des Potins, dressed in 18th century costume, will tell you all about her fabulous jewels, the origin of the Hope diamond and the story of her family during the French Revolution.

Les Potins de Paris: Marie-Antoinette and the Revolution Potins10

France’s most famous queen will no longer hold any secrets for you once you have taken part in this tour that will take you to the Palais Royal, the Louvre, and the Pont des Arts. Ensure that all your senses are awakened, because the Potins de Paris include an olfactory aspect in all their tours! Children are welcome to accompany you; the visit is suitable for all the public.

Les Potins de Paris: Marie-Antoinette and the Revolution Fdc_5610

Les Potins de Paris: Marie-Antoinette and the Revolution Potins11

Les Potins de Paris: Marie-Antoinette and the Revolution Potins12

Les Potins de Paris: Marie-Antoinette and the Revolution Fdc_5910


- Guided tour lasting 1hr30
- Commentary and anecdotes of your guide, Gabrielle
- A wireless receiver and earpiece to hear the guide better

Departure point for the tour: in the middle of the Pont des Arts (Arts Bridge, the wooden bridge),

ENJOY Les Potins de Paris: Marie-Antoinette and the Revolution 580524 Les Potins de Paris: Marie-Antoinette and the Revolution 580524

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