Le Boudoir de Marie-Antoinette

Prenons une tasse de thé dans les jardins du Petit Trianon
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 Port Trianon

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Nombre de messages : 40579
Date d'inscription : 23/05/2007

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MessageSujet: Port Trianon   Port Trianon Icon_minitimeDim 16 Mar - 20:25

Wah...  Very Happy Une uchronie architecturale!  Very Happy 

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Port Trianon: Connecting the Shared Seas

Port Trianon Tatian10
Port Trianon: Midday

My biggest contribution to this project was the addition of Port Trianon.

It began, as many new construction projects do, by making some tough decisions about location and existing structures. Subsequently, the old Coeur Fairgrounds, site of many a revelry, was boxed up and removed. I'll always have a soft-spot in my heart for those monthly fairs with the patrons yelling Beer!! and jigging around the apple tree.

Happily, what was lost in sentiment was more than regained aesthetically in the magnificent view from south side of the Petit Trianon and functionally in this new connection to the Shared Seas. It is now possible to sail directly from Rocca Sorrentina around Franca Contea Coeur to the tip of Poitou Coeur and by detouring north through Provence Coeur you can access much of the interior of the Duché.

Port Trianon Tatian11
Port Trianon: Foggy Morning

Public sailboats are available at the Port Trianon docks for anyone who would like to try their hand at navigating the extensive waterways and we've already had one sailboat race with more to follow.

rien que la mort peut me faire cesser de vous aimer
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