Le Boudoir de Marie-Antoinette

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 Roman: "Revolution" by Jennifer Donnelly

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Nombre de messages : 40581
Date d'inscription : 23/05/2007

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MessageSujet: Roman: "Revolution" by Jennifer Donnelly   Roman: "Revolution" by Jennifer Donnelly Icon_minitimeMer 6 Aoû - 19:02

Revolution by Jennifer Donnelly

Voici une histoire où s'entremêlent le passé et le présent, l'histoire d'un jeune homme et celle du malheureux Louis XVII, l'analyse de son coeur, la découverte d'un mystérieux journal...

Roman: "Revolution" by Jennifer Donnelly Revolu10

It’s been some time since Andi’s younger brother was killed, but Andi and her mother are still tormented by his loss. Andi’s basically failing school, and the only thing that keeps her alive is her music. When Andi’s father discovers the tenuous mental states his family is in, he packs his ex-wife off to a mental ward and takes Andi with him to Paris. Her father is a very famous scientist who studies DNA and he’s in Paris to assist in DNA research on a 18th century heart for his old roommate, now a famous historian. The heart is believed to have belonged to Louis-Charles, the young son of Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI and dauphin of France who was orphaned, imprisoned, and very likely starved to death by his captors. Andi cannot help but compare Louis-Charles to her brother, and finds herself hoping that the heart does not belong to the poor boy. Struggling with her grief and guilt, she is granted permission to play an old 1th century guitar, and when she does so, she discovers a journal in the guitar case’s hidden compartment. The journal belongs to Alexandrine Paradis, a young girl from a family of players who was once Louis-Charles’s playmate. As Andi learns more about Alexandrine, Louis-Charles, and the deadly mayhem that was the Revolution, she discovers other secrets and they all push her into a process of healing.

While this book started out unusually, the premise and the ideas were quickly captivating. It is one of the best in-depth historical fiction books I have read although it doesn’t come close to the greatness that is Between Shades of Gray or Code Name Verity. It intertwines the stories of Andi and Alexandrine into almost one voice, as Andi heals from the guilt and pain left behind from her brother’s death. There is some suspension of reality involved as Andi takes a visit into the past, but overall, it is a great read.


Je me suis permis de corriger 17 en 18th

rien que la mort peut me faire cesser de vous aimer
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Roman: "Revolution" by Jennifer Donnelly
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