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 1745 Fancy Ball at Buckingham Palace

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Maria Cosway

Maria Cosway

Nombre de messages : 733
Date d'inscription : 05/07/2015

1745 Fancy Ball at Buckingham Palace Empty
MessageSujet: 1745 Fancy Ball at Buckingham Palace   1745 Fancy Ball at Buckingham Palace Icon_minitimeMer 12 Aoû - 10:16

In 1845 a special fancy ball was organized at Buckingham Palace. For this bal costumé, the guests had to dress in 1745 fashions. You can see them dancing a minuet here. These watercolours were made by Louis Haghe, a famous lithographer (1806-1885). The press of the time referred to the graceful flitting forms of this royal dance.

1745 Fancy Ball at Buckingham Palace 0_27fd10

Here are Queen Victoria and Prince Albert portrayed in their 1745 costumes.

1745 Fancy Ball at Buckingham Palace 0_27fe10

1745 Fancy Ball at Buckingham Palace 0_27fe11

On this print, Queen Victoria is portrayed with others.

1745 Fancy Ball at Buckingham Palace 1845-610

1745 Fancy Ball at Buckingham Palace Zsize110

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1745 Fancy Ball at Buckingham Palace
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