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 "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson

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amazing grace
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Lucrezia P

Lucrezia P

Nombre de messages : 502
Date d'inscription : 07/04/2015

"The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson   "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 25 Déc - 14:40

Souvenir de cette joyeuse production au théâtre Moxie de San Diego.

"The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Dsc03210

"The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Moxie10

"The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Rev_re10

Je préfère l'original à la copie
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Nombre de messages : 2236
Date d'inscription : 04/10/2017

"The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson   "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 24 Aoû - 11:03

Nouvelle performance, ça décape toujours autant "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 914132

"The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Revolu10

- Je ne vous jette pas la pierre, Pierre -
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Nombre de messages : 146
Date d'inscription : 31/05/2020

"The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson   "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 3 Sep - 9:59

Mieux l'affiche

"The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Therev10

Loulou' et 'Boutin
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Nombre de messages : 40570
Date d'inscription : 23/05/2007

"The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson   "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 3 Sep - 10:19

C'est vrai, c'est moins trash que d'habitude. "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 35958 Very Happy

Je vais partager sur la page facebook du forum. Very Happy

rien que la mort peut me faire cesser de vous aimer
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Nombre de messages : 146
Date d'inscription : 31/05/2020

"The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson   "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 3 Sep - 10:22

"The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 294643

Loulou' et 'Boutin
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Nombre de messages : 40570
Date d'inscription : 23/05/2007

"The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson   "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 3 Sep - 10:31

Voilà, c'est fait ! "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 580524

Merci Xman ! "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 580524

rien que la mort peut me faire cesser de vous aimer
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Autumn in NY

Autumn in NY

Nombre de messages : 60
Date d'inscription : 30/06/2016

"The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson   "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Icon_minitimeDim 3 Oct - 15:28

Jennifer Pagano au Maryland Ensemble Theatre :

"The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Marie-10

Revue : http://www.theatrebloom.com/2021/09/the-revolutionists-at-the-maryland-ensemble-theatre/

What if nothing exists and we're all in somebody's dream?
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Nombre de messages : 272
Date d'inscription : 26/07/2016

"The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson   "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Icon_minitimeDim 3 Oct - 22:06

C'est quoi les tirebouchons qu'elle a en mains ? "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 79143

Help "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 564218 "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 564218

Il court il court le furet
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amazing grace

amazing grace

Nombre de messages : 72
Date d'inscription : 13/04/2016

"The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson   "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 12 Nov - 17:03

And now, ladies and gentlemen, “The Revolutionists,” directed by Michelle Dvoskin, associate professor and theatre program coordinator. "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 454943

"The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Image_10
Katarina Johnson, Jorah Graham and Elizabeth Garapic

WKU’s theatre and dance department selected this comedic play, which showcases four important women during the French Revolution, as one of this year’s main stage performances.

When the doors closed at 7:30 p.m., there weren’t many open seats left. A few moments later, Elizabeth Garapic made her first appearance on the stage as Olympe de Gouges, a French playwright and political activist.

Garapic is a junior at WKU pursuing a Bachelor of Fine Arts in acting. Garapic said she loves the relationships she’s built from acting.

“In this show, I particularly cherish the camaraderie I feel with my castmates, and the bond I have built with my character, Olympe,” Garapic said. “She has taught me so many things about trusting myself and the importance of a good story.”

"The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Image_11
Jorah Graham, Katarina Johnson, Ella Shahn Hagan and Elizabeth Garapic

“The Revolutionists” focuses on the lives of Olympe de Gouges, Charlotte Corday, Marie Antoinette and Marianne Angelle and the important work that these four women pioneered during the French revolution.

“I hesitate to admit that I had never even heard her name before this show, and that we all had a hard time pronouncing it at first,” Garapic said.

"The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Image_12
Jorah Graham and Ella Shahn Hagan

Garapic wasn’t the only actress who wasn’t familiar with the role she was cast as. Kat Johnson, a sophomore from Houston, Texas, also had never heard of their character, Charlotte Corday, who was an assassin.

“I read Charlotte’s character, and that was the first I had heard of her,” Johnson said. “And that’s the point this play is making, that you never think of these women besides Marie Antoinette.”

The play is a two-act comedy written by America’s most produced playwright in 2017 and 2019, Lauren Gunderson. “The Revolutionists” audibly resonated with the audience, made clear by the bursts of laughter that frequently followed each actress’s witty lines, especially those of Marie Antoinette.

"The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Image_13
Ella Shahn Hagan and Katarina Johnson

Marie Antoinette was played by Ella Hagan, a junior pursuing a Bachelor of Fine Arts in theatre. Not only was Hagan familiar with Marie Antoinette prior to playing her, but she was also familiar with “The Revolutionists.”

“I had read the play beforehand because I’ve always loved history and someone had suggested this play to me,” Hagan said.

Hagan explained how demanding the week before the play, also known as tech week, can be. This is especially true for cue-to-cue day.

Cue-to-cue day is when the backstage crew prepares. It is a tedious process of moving through each lighting and sound cue. It’s the day when backstage gets the most practice.

"The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Image_14
Ella Shahn Hagan, Katarina Johnson, Jorah Graham, and Elizabeth Garapic

Hagan said that the tech crew practices every lighting and sound cue. Garapic and Hagan both said that they enjoy the relationships that they’ve made through the play, so they didn’t really mind cue-to-cue day.

“It’s just us standing and stopping, and it’s usually a pain, but it was actually really fun this year because whenever they would call ‘hold,’ we would just hang out on stage and talk to each other,” Hagan said.

Katie Hurst, one of the assistant stage managers, said she enjoys the backstage preparation.

“It’s such a rush to watch all of the actors and actresses run around and try to get to their places,” Hurst said.

"The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Image_15
Elizabeth Garapic

Hurst said she was not familiar with “The Revolutionists” before working as an assistant stage manager for it, but she appreciates the way Lauren Gunderson’s writing portrays historical female figures.

“It’s really interesting to see how she takes historical figures and reworks them into a whole new thing,” Hurst said. “I love how the whole cast is women, and most of the creative crew is also women.”

At 9:30 p.m., the four cast members came to the front of the stage one by one as the audience roared with applause. The cast received a standing ovation, which only felt natural after the hard work they put in to put on the exciting and educational experience.

whatever you can see can inspire you
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Nombre de messages : 265
Date d'inscription : 01/05/2020

"The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson   "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 24 Fév - 14:14

Nouvelle édition "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 454943

  • WTC’s ‘The Revolutionists’ opens this week

    "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Wtc_re10
Joy James and Becky Rygg in WTC’s production of “The Revolutionists”
-photo credit:: Matt Wetzler of Thewmatt Photograph

February 24, 2022 12:00 AM

Whitefish Theatre Company’s “The Revolutionists,”a witty, biting, hold-on-to-your-seats theatrical adventure,” opens this weekend with shows Feb. 25 and 26 at 7:30 p.m. and Feb. 27 at 4 p.m. Performances continue next weekend on March 3, 4 and 5 at 7:30 p.m. This play, which contains mature language and adult situations, has a preview night performance today, Feb. 24 at 7:30 p.m.

In this fresh and fast-paced history-based comedy by award-winning playwright Lauren Gunderson, a quartet of beautiful, badass women raise hell in Paris during the French Revolution. This bold and blisteringly funny play is about violence and legacy, art and activism, feminism and terrorism, compatriots and chosen sisters, and how we actually go about changing the world.

The production features Becky Rygg as Marie Antoinette, Joy James as Olympe de Gouges, Sami Milne as Charlotte Corday, and Sarina Hart as Marianne Angelle.

Tickets are $20 for adults, $18 for seniors, and $10 for students with reserved seating. Tickets for today’s sneak preview performance are $12 for adults and $10 for students with general seating and can only be purchased at the door on the night of that show. Tickets can be purchased at the box office at 1 Central Ave. in Whitefish or by calling 862-5371. Box office hours are 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday and one hour before a performance. Tickets can also be purchased online at www.whitefishtheatreco.org.

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flower power

flower power

Nombre de messages : 514
Date d'inscription : 09/05/2015

"The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson   "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 8 Mar - 9:42

Bianfu a écrit:
Nouvelle édition "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 454943

C'est la saison !

"The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Revolu10

Au Black Box

a mortifying family tradition
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Dorothy Vallens

Dorothy Vallens

Nombre de messages : 53
Date d'inscription : 01/08/2020

"The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson   "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Icon_minitimeLun 14 Mar - 8:16


"The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Tzolzo12


‘Four beautiful, badass women lose their heads in this irreverent, girl-powered comedy set during the French Revolution’s Reign of Terror. Playwright Olympe de Gouges, assassin Charlotte Corday, former queen Marie Antoinette, and Haitian rebel Marianne Angelle hang out, murder Marat, and try to beat back the extremist insanity in 1793 Paris. This grand and dream-tweaked comedy is about violence and legacy, art and activism, feminism and terrorism, compatriots and chosen sisters, and how we actually go about changing the world. It’s a true story. Or total fiction. Or a play about a play. Or a raucous resurrection… that ends in a song and a scaffold.
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Nombre de messages : 321
Date d'inscription : 01/12/2018

"The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson   "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 6 Mai - 16:57

Viva la revolution!

"The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 The-re10

Liberte Egalite…Sororite

Charlotte Corday is about to assassinate the cruelest man in Paris. But first she needs a really good exit line.

Marianne Angelle wants a pamphlet to expose the hypocrisy of “liberated” France keeping a slave colony in her native Saint Domingue.

Confined to a lesser bedroom in the palace, and denied dessert, Marie Antoinette wants a rewrite of her life…preferably one that does not end in the embrace of “Madame Guillotine.”

With mobs storming the streets, these three women turn to feminist playwright Olympe de Gouges to tell their stories. And Olympe would be the perfect choice.

"The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 The-re11

If not for her predilection for romantic comedies, musicals and hand puppets.

Not to mention her personal terror of getting caught up in the Reign of Terror.

“You can’t kill the writers, that’s Democracy 101.”

What’s the point of even going through a bloody revolution if those most in need of liberation – women, as has ever been – continue to be oppressed by the liberators?

Which happens to be the point of “The Revolutionists,” Lauren Gunderson’s biting satire about life, death and misogyny now on stage at the Hippodrome.

"The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 The-re12

“Revolutionists” is a crisp and extremely funny exploration of the forces that to this day conspire to keep women in their place. And of the rebellious nature of women who are simply not having it.

What is life after all, Marianne muses, if not “women showing boys how revolutions are done”?

And these women have something to show us all.

Much credit to director Stephanie Lynge for her keen casting eye. Call it chemistry, mutually assured empathy, or common cause convictions, these sisters in sedition clearly get each other. And the audience knows it.

Despite all the talk of murder, torture and terror “Revolutionists” has its tender moments – as when aristocratic Marie and island girl Marianne put aside their mutual antagonisms to compare notes over child rearing and the fine art of marriage.

It is a sheer joy to see Marissa Toogood return to the Hippodrome as spitfire assassin Charlotte. Toogood, a UF fine arts grad, cut her acting teeth in several Hipp productions before decamping to New York. She never disappointed before, and she certainly does not now. “I want some dialogue,” she appeals to Olympe. “I have a guy to murder.”

"The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 The-re13

Danae Osseni’s Marianne is the center of gravity that keeps the others from flying off into space. Osseni tempers righteous indignation with the firmness of a mother dealing with unruly children. “Nobody wants a musical about the French Revolution,” she explains to Olympe.

Elise Hudson must be seen to be believed as Marie Antionette. Frothy? Yes. Frivolous? Certainly. And don’t get me started on her ribbons. But Hudson’s Marie also possesses an inner steel that enabled her to keep the monarchy together…until everything fell apart.

That thing about eating cake? Taken out of context, she explodes. “I was ordering lunch.

Playwright Olympe is the most complicated character in the play, and if she doesn’t get the story right all will be lost for these women. But who is she, really? Laura Hodos keeps Olympe changing and evolving, seemingly without breaking a sweat. “Fear is how you know you’re paying attention,” she retorts when accused of cowardice.

"The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 The-re14

“The Revolutionists” has its flaws. Its descent onto surrealism after the first act can wear a bit thin after a while. And one gets the sense that for all of Gunderson’s keen insight, she didn’t quite know how to finish the play. “We all knew this was coming,” says Marie. Maybe, but events grow a bit muddled in the end

Which is not to suggest that “The Revolutionists” isn’t worth the price of admission. It is all that and more.

Viva la revolution ! "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 588717 C'est vraiment ça ! "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 588717

London bridge is falling down
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Nombre de messages : 183
Date d'inscription : 03/12/2017

"The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson   "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 6 Mai - 20:52

Trop bien "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 588717 elles me font trop rire "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 194575 "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 194575 "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 194575

cui cui cui
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Nombre de messages : 321
Date d'inscription : 01/12/2018

"The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson   "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 16 Aoû - 9:05

Autre production (quel succès pour cette pièce !) :

"The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Orig_610

J'adore l'affiche. "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 580524

Infos :

"The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Tzolzo24

In a country divided between the haves and the have-nots, and facing the threats of domestic terrorism and civil war, four women come together to unite as a sisterhood and fight back using the magic of theatre. When deposed queen Marie Antoinette, playwright Olympe de Gouges, assassin Charlotte Corday, and freedom fighter Marianne Angelle join forces, the Reign of Terror will cower and a free France will rise. They hope. Fingers crossed. A comedy based on true stories, The Revolutionists is a play that will make you laugh, make you cry, and make you cheer: Vive la Femme!

“…a sassy, hold-on-to-your-seats theatrical adventure…


London bridge is falling down
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flower power

flower power

Nombre de messages : 514
Date d'inscription : 09/05/2015

"The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson   "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 24 Fév - 19:50

La cuvée 2023 commence à donner ses fruits.

"The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Tzolzo18

Four beautiful, badass women lose their heads in this irreverent, girl-powered comedy set during the French Revolution’s Reign of Terror. Playwright Olympe de Gouges, assassin Charlotte Corday, former queen (and fan of ribbons) Marie Antoinette, and Haitian rebel Marianne Angelle hang out, murder Marat, and try to beat back the extremist insanity in 1793 Paris. This grand and dream-tweaked comedy is about violence and legacy, art and activism, feminism and terrorism, compatriots and chosen sisters, and how we actually go about changing the world.

Director: Alicia Mendez

Cast: Jennifer Reif (Olympe de Gouges), Christina Williams (Marie-Antoinette), Sara Schweid (Charlotte Corday), Shana Emile (Marianne Angelle)


a mortifying family tradition
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Nombre de messages : 207
Date d'inscription : 31/08/2017

"The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson   "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 24 Mar - 22:09

flower power a écrit:
La cuvée 2023 commence à donner ses fruits.

Carrément !

"The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Rev-se10

Park Square Theater
20 W 7th Pl, St. Paul
(651) 291-7005

Le vide aurait suffi
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flower power

flower power

Nombre de messages : 514
Date d'inscription : 09/05/2015

"The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson   "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Icon_minitimeDim 9 Avr - 20:26

Photo et des critique

  • Park Square and PRIME’s ‘Revolutionists’ worth the wait
    Twice scheduled for 2020, it’s playing now on Park Square’s Proscenium Stage.

    "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Stp-l-10
    It’s been a tough past five years for Park Square Theatre. The company that’s been a downtown St. Paul mainstay since 1972 has struggled to find its footing since the retirement of longtime artistic director Richard Cook in 2018, the ink in its books becoming a deeper red.

a mortifying family tradition
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Nombre de messages : 265
Date d'inscription : 01/05/2020

"The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson   "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 25 Avr - 7:16

Dans l'air du temps Wink

  • Adobe Theater retells French Revolution with feminist flair

    "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 93be9a10

    A recurring question asked by the Adobe Theater’s production of “The Revolutionists” is, “Who are we without a story?”

    The play-within-a-play, now playing through Sunday, May 7, remixes and adapts stories about four different women during the French Revolution. Stacy Hasselbacher, who plays Marie Antoinette, said that this encourages audiences to look at people and issues from a new perspective.

    “The play explores different ways to address issues: Are you going to take extreme action, or are you going to work behind the scenes? Or are you going to create some kind of protest art about it? There are different ways to try to enact change, and I think this play really gets into that,” Hasselbacher said.

    Stories are the key to this piece for Georgia Athearn, vice president of the Adobe Theater’s board of directors and production director.

    “The major themes are sisterhood, camaraderie, revolution, feminism and pushing the narrative forward,” Athearn said. “You've got to push the narrative forward so that we can talk about the things that are still present today that have been present in women's issues for hundreds of years.”

    The play makes thought-provoking connections between the past and the present, according to Nicolette “Nicee” Wagner, who plays Haitian freedom fighter Marianne Angelle. While three of the four women are loosely based on historical figures, the character of Angelle is a composite character, Wagner said.

    “It shows us the struggles that women were going through at that time in 1793, and it kind of begs the question, have those issues really been solved, or are they issues that we’re still dealing with now?” Wagner said.

    The play follows French playwright Olympe de Gouges, played by Jennifer Benoit, as she writes about these women against the backdrop of the Reign of Terror. De Gouges would not have actually known two of the three women and thus created them for this fictionalized play that’s written in front of the audience, according to Gunderson’s dramaturgy notes.

    “Olypme is a political activist,” Benoit said. “We might in more modern turns call her a social justice warrior. But it's all on paper. She's a writer. She writes plays, novels, pamphlets, posters. Anything that gets into other people's hands. She has big ideas but not as much courage as maybe some of the other women in the play.”

    In contrast, the character of Charlotte Corday, played by Lauren Jehle, prefers direct action.

    “She definitely is afraid, but that isn't something that's going to stop her from doing the things that she thinks are right,” Jehel said. “And she's not afraid to fight for what she believes in, and to fight for the people that she loves and the people that she believes in, and the world that she believes everybody deserves to live in.”

    Throughout the play, the dialogue addresses how stories construct the way that people get remembered in history. At one point, Wagner’s character of Angelle argues that without this play (the one within the play), nobody would remember that she existed.

    Even though Marie Antoinette is the most well-known historical figure in the play, Gunderson uses creative license in her depiction of the former queen, Hasselbacher said.

    “What I find the most interesting about this is that it's not just supposed to be a straight up portrayal,” Hasselbacher said. “It's an interpretation of who Marie Antoinette could have been if we knew her as a human person today. Or then.”

    Athearn believes that this show will appeal to younger audiences due to its meta nature and other unconventional elements.

    “(Younger audiences) would enjoy the set. They'll enjoy the music. They'll enjoy the costumes. The costumes are a little steampunk,” Athearn said. “This show breaks the fourth wall constantly; the actors and the audience are interacting with each other. This set, the lights, the costumes, all come alive within each other.”

    “The Revolutionists” performances are Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m. Tickets are $24 general admission and $15 for students. There is a pay what you can performance on Thursday, May 4. The show runs for approximately two hours including intermission.

    Gabriel Garcia
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Nombre de messages : 207
Date d'inscription : 31/08/2017

"The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson   "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 24 Oct - 18:38

La nouvelle saison est arrivée !

  • Rebel Women of the French Revolution take stage in “The Revolutionists”
    The Revolutionists poster
    Allentown, PA, October 2023: This October 26, 27, 28 at 7 p.m. and 29 at 2 p.m., Cedar Crest College’s Department of Performing Arts premieres The Revolutionists —a new, comedic play about four real women who lived boldly in France during the French Revolution’s Reign of Terror.

    The beautiful, badass women in question are playwright Olympe De Gouge, assassin Charlotte Corday, former queen Marie Antoinette, and Haitian rebel Marianne Angelle. Together, the women hang out, commit homicide, and lose their heads — whether literal or figurative remains to be seen — all while trying to beat back the extremist insanity in Paris of 1793.

    This grand and dream-tweaked play is about violence and legacy, art and activism, feminism and terrorism, compatriots and chosen sisters, and how we actually go about changing the world. For this play, seating will be featured on the stage itself, truly making this a unique, intimate experience.

    "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Stage110

    Directed by Clair M. Freeman, the four-person cast consists of entirely of Cedar Crest’s own students, including:

    Ashley Rodriguez-Ascencio as Olympe de Gouges

    Lizbeth Parra as Charlotte Corday

    Sofia Barbour as Marie Antionette

    Zaria Berry as Marianne Angelle

    Performances will be held in the Tompkins College Center & Samuels Theatre on Cedar Crest College’s campus. Tickets are available online at cedarcrest.edu/stage.


Le vide aurait suffi
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Miss Lethaby

Miss Lethaby

Nombre de messages : 157
Date d'inscription : 14/05/2019

"The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson   "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 3 Nov - 10:44

Belle affiche très graphique pour les Titan Theatre Company:

"The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Qt-rev10

Plus classique pour les Twin City Players:

"The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Tzolzo21

very talkative
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Julian Gray

Julian Gray

Nombre de messages : 101
Date d'inscription : 02/04/2020

"The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson   "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSam 23 Déc - 19:32

Dans un autre genre

"The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Sans_t10

Magnuson Theatre

Directed by Professor Leslie Stamoolis
Special Guest Dramaturgy by Dr. Laurie Arnold, Director of the Native Studies Program

Une chose dont on ne parle pas n'a jamais existé.
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spa monopole

spa monopole

Nombre de messages : 318
Date d'inscription : 31/01/2017

"The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson   "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Icon_minitimeLun 8 Jan - 10:15

Elles sont toujours funs ces affiches.
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Nombre de messages : 207
Date d'inscription : 31/08/2017

"The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson   "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Icon_minitimeLun 5 Fév - 21:21

Girl power contre le patriarcat !

"The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Telech11

Le vide aurait suffi
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"The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson   "The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson - Page 2 Icon_minitime

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"The Revolutionists" de Lauren Gunderson
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