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 something wrong with the habsburgs ?

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2 participants


Nombre de messages : 261
Date d'inscription : 01/08/2016

something wrong with the habsburgs ? Empty
MessageSujet: something wrong with the habsburgs ?   something wrong with the habsburgs ? Icon_minitimeLun 10 Oct - 11:07

something wrong with the habsburgs ? Suspect
could be something wrong with the habsburgs ? 244157

want to know ? tongue
follow me ! something wrong with the habsburgs ? 20113

The Habsburg family is one of the most important royal families in the history of Europe. This may be somewhat surprising, as many of the rulers from this family behaved strangely, had some weird ideas, and were apparently mentally ill. A mysterious mental illness may actually have been one of the reasons for the fall of their dynasty. The Habsburgs started to rule in Europe during the 11th centur

well what do you think ?
and antoinette ? What a Face

Would you lie for me?
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Nombre de messages : 131
Date d'inscription : 15/09/2016

something wrong with the habsburgs ? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: something wrong with the habsburgs ?   something wrong with the habsburgs ? Icon_minitimeMar 11 Oct - 13:08

Ce sont tous les grands comme cela. Wink

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something wrong with the habsburgs ?
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