Le Boudoir de Marie-Antoinette

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 Cameo Ring with Marie Antoinette and her Son, the Dauphin

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2 participants
Maria Cosway

Maria Cosway

Nombre de messages : 734
Date d'inscription : 05/07/2015

Cameo Ring with Marie Antoinette and her Son, the Dauphin Empty
MessageSujet: Cameo Ring with Marie Antoinette and her Son, the Dauphin   Cameo Ring with Marie Antoinette and her Son, the Dauphin Icon_minitimeDim 3 Sep - 19:54

So beautiful this Cameo Ring with Marie Antoinette and the Dauphin ! Cameo Ring with Marie Antoinette and her Son, the Dauphin 580524

Cameo Ring with Marie Antoinette and her Son, the Dauphin L_pl9_10

Cameo Ring with Marie Antoinette and her Son, the Dauphin L_pl1_11

Jacques Guay carved cameo portraits of Queen Marie Antoinette, though it is not known whether he is the author of this one. The carver took advantage of the natural striations of color in the stone to differentiate between the two figures: the queen and her son, the dauphin (1785–95), who would have become Louis XVII, but for the French Revolution. Such a ring might have been worn by a courtier or, after the Revolution, by a royalist sympathizer. The cameo is surrounded by a border of diamond sparks in silver mounts. The forked shoulders each enclose a tulip originally set with a crystal.

Who knows what lies beneath ?
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Sido Scorpion

Sido Scorpion

Nombre de messages : 701
Date d'inscription : 05/08/2015

Cameo Ring with Marie Antoinette and her Son, the Dauphin Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Cameo Ring with Marie Antoinette and her Son, the Dauphin   Cameo Ring with Marie Antoinette and her Son, the Dauphin Icon_minitimeDim 3 Sep - 20:29

Tellement touchant ! Cameo Ring with Marie Antoinette and her Son, the Dauphin 405462

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Cameo Ring with Marie Antoinette and her Son, the Dauphin
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