Le Boudoir de Marie-Antoinette

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 Secret Memoirs of Princess Lamballe: Her Confidential Relations With Marie Antoinette

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2 participants


Nombre de messages : 246
Date d'inscription : 06/11/2016

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MessageSujet: Secret Memoirs of Princess Lamballe: Her Confidential Relations With Marie Antoinette   Secret Memoirs of Princess Lamballe: Her Confidential Relations With Marie Antoinette Icon_minitimeDim 19 Nov - 19:16

J'aimerais bien trouver ce livre. Secret Memoirs of Princess Lamballe: Her Confidential Relations With Marie Antoinette 454943

Secret Memoirs of Princess Lamballe: Her Confidential Relations With Marie Antoinette 51b94c10

Marie Thérése Louise de Savoie-Carignan, Princess de Lamballe, was fated to be not only an eye-witness but a victim of the Reign of Terror. She was born in Turin in 1749, was married in 1767 to Stanislaus, Prince of Lamballe and son of the Duke of Penthiévre, which brought her into the relationship of sister-in-law to the Duke of Orléans. Her husband died within a year, leaving her, as she expresses it, "a bride when an infant, a widow before I was a mother or had a prospect of becoming one." A marriage was proposed between the Princess and Louis XV, but it fell through. In her retirement she gained the friendship of Marie Antoinette, who appointed her superintendent of the royal household on the accession of Louis XVI. This official connection grew into a sisterly intimacy of the most cordial kind. Their youth of brilliant promise was soon overshadowed by ominous troubles. The lighter temperament of the Queen was happily balanced by the philosophic gravity of the Princess, who foresaw the bitter fruits of the conditions in which her royal mistress had been reared and would not radically change. This journal-record of experiences and reflections is as pathetic a tale as has ever been told.

Lâche qui les abandonne !
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Nombre de messages : 1263
Date d'inscription : 22/10/2017

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MessageSujet: Re: Secret Memoirs of Princess Lamballe: Her Confidential Relations With Marie Antoinette   Secret Memoirs of Princess Lamballe: Her Confidential Relations With Marie Antoinette Icon_minitimeDim 19 Nov - 19:59

Personnage bien mystérieux, cette Hyde-Gouvion-Broglie-Scolari (à vos souhaits ! Wink )

X est la force deux fois pure
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Secret Memoirs of Princess Lamballe: Her Confidential Relations With Marie Antoinette
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