Le Boudoir de Marie-Antoinette

Prenons une tasse de thé dans les jardins du Petit Trianon
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 Seule, Marie-Antoinette ?

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Date d'inscription : 23/05/2007

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MessageSujet: Seule, Marie-Antoinette ?   Seule, Marie-Antoinette ? Icon_minitimeMer 5 Jan - 10:55

Dans l'imaginaire collectif, Marie-Antoinette est devenue la reine rebelle qui voit qui elle veut toute seule dans son petit Trianon.

Ah oui ?

La spécialiste Anna Gibson remet les pendules à l'heure. Wink

  • Privacy and the Trianon

    The mythology that has built up around the Petit Trianon depicting it as a literal private solitary world and not a private royal estate where guests, servants, guards, footmen, etc, were always present in some capacity is frustrating because it gets picked up in people’s minds and then used, consciously and otherwise, to perpetuate ideas regarding life there.

    Seule, Marie-Antoinette ? 51710

    Even when you get into the hameau, which was even more exclusive than the Trianon, there were people there. Servants, workers at the various buildings, along with any servants who would have been brought along to assist the queen.

    This idea of a Truly Private Trianon even leaks into documentaries (like the Secret Versailles of Marie Antoinette’s pretty aesthetic ‘Trianon’ scenes) which are lovely to see… but don’t necessarily reflect reality.

    Take contemporary depictions of the Trianon, and even though they aren’t necessarily meant to be accurate representations, you can see that there is life on the estate. Other people. Guests and servants. For instance, the depiction of festivities at the ‘Chinese merry go round' and pavilion; there would have been servants operating the mechanism of the merry go round, servants on hand to serve refreshments or assist guests, etc. There would have been guards nearby.

    Marie Antoinette did not walk around alone, but with a minimized entourage compared to what had been enforced before she became queen and was allowed to adjust the rules; for instance, at Trianon she would walk followed by a single footman (with guards placed around the site) rather than the former tradition/requirement of walking with a group of women plus an entourage of equerries, footmen, guards, etc.

    Trianon was “private” in the context of an 18th century royal estate. Meaning, it was more private than Versailles–but that doesn’t mean it was some solitary escape.

    Does this mean she could have never ever found a way to be alone or alone with people without the presence of outsiders (guests, servants, etc)? Of course not. It does mean that Trianon was not some private free-for-all where it was easy to be entirely alone in the modern sense.

    To quote Madame Campan on the subject of private events always making their way around court: “Kings have no privacy. Queens have no boudoirs.“

Référence de l'article : https://vivelareine.tumblr.com/?fbclid=IwAR1GgNQPX1rMWQCEToLgcmw0ap6IqnrfNcrveuew8apyIJqzX-WbUrWcYvU

Merci à Anna Gibson pour sa lucidité qui ne s'est jamais démentie et à cet autre grand spécialiste de Marie-Antoinette, Benjamin Warlop-Majesté, qui a attiré mon attention sur cette publication.

Nous avons abordé la problématique de l'intimité des Reines à Versailles...

... et abondamment commenté le docu-fiction mentionné dans l'article :

rien que la mort peut me faire cesser de vous aimer
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Nombre de messages : 109
Date d'inscription : 30/04/2018

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MessageSujet: Re: Seule, Marie-Antoinette ?   Seule, Marie-Antoinette ? Icon_minitimeMer 5 Jan - 11:08

Merci, Pimprenelle. Vous remercierez vos amis au nom de notre forum.

Aussi longue est la nuit qui me fait penser à vous
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Nombre de messages : 40
Date d'inscription : 13/11/2021

Seule, Marie-Antoinette ? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Seule, Marie-Antoinette ?   Seule, Marie-Antoinette ? Icon_minitimeJeu 6 Jan - 10:44

Très correct, étiquette plus stricte qu'à Vienne.
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