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 he Little Glass Slipper as Performed by the Queen of France and Her Friends

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Nombre de messages : 261
Date d'inscription : 01/08/2016

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MessageSujet: he Little Glass Slipper as Performed by the Queen of France and Her Friends   he Little Glass Slipper as Performed by the Queen of France and Her Friends Icon_minitimeSam 13 Aoû - 10:59

he Little Glass Slipper as Performed by the Queen of France and Her Friends 588717  he Little Glass Slipper as Performed by the Queen of France and Her Friends 588717
The Little Glass Slipper as Performed by the Queen of France and Her Friends
he Little Glass Slipper as Performed by the Queen of France and Her Friends 588717 he Little Glass Slipper as Performed by the Queen of France and Her Friends 588717

amazing he Little Glass Slipper as Performed by the Queen of France and Her Friends 49856

he Little Glass Slipper as Performed by the Queen of France and Her Friends Tzolzo19

  • France 1789. Tension is high and whispers of revolution fill the halls of Versailles. We are at the Queen’s Theatre attending a performance of ‘The Little Glass Slipper’ by Marie Antoinette and her aristocratic friends. It is the 14 July and today the Bastille will be stormed.

    Written and directed by Cara Johnston, and performed at The Majestic Theatre in Dallas, Texas, The Little Glass Slipper by The Miles Sisters is a unique twist on the Cinderella tale that we all know & love. This 55-minute production is cleverly constructed by bringing together historical elements, whilst at the same time holding its audience’s attention by playing out the Cinderella story or in this case ‘The Little Glass Slipper’.

    There are many strong factors about this production which can be identified in the set design, dance choreography by Alicia Rice and live music for the stage by Cody Ross, Becki Howard & Miguel Cantu. The costumes by Jerry Miles and The TDF Costume Collection also triumph here, being entirely true to the era it’s set in.

    Cara Johnston’s portrayal as The Queen comes across brilliantly and is well accompanied by a supporting cast including Justin Locklear (The Herald), Anastasia Munõz (Countess) and Jennifer Vosters (Duchess).

    As an audience, we are ultimately drawn towards the historic background and rumours of the revolution, along with a heartfelt and fitting tribute towards Marie Antoinette (Johnston) as the show comes to a close.

    A very clever and professional production in the name of history. We would definitely recommend, Besties.

    ***** Five stars

    Reviewed by: Emily East

    The Little Glass Slipper as Performed by the Queen of France and Her Friends is streaming online as part of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe for the month of August

enjoy he Little Glass Slipper as Performed by the Queen of France and Her Friends 588717

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