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 Hapsburg Letters: The Disciplinary Dynamics of Epistolary Narrative in the Correspondence of Maria Theresa and Marie-Antoinette

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The Collector
Fleur de Pomme de Terre
Maria Cosway
8 participants
Maria Cosway

Maria Cosway

Nombre de messages : 733
Date d'inscription : 05/07/2015

Hapsburg Letters: The Disciplinary Dynamics of Epistolary Narrative in the Correspondence of Maria Theresa and Marie-Antoinette Empty
MessageSujet: Hapsburg Letters: The Disciplinary Dynamics of Epistolary Narrative in the Correspondence of Maria Theresa and Marie-Antoinette   Hapsburg Letters: The Disciplinary Dynamics of Epistolary Narrative in the Correspondence of Maria Theresa and Marie-Antoinette Icon_minitimeSam 6 Mai - 8:37

Hapsburg Letters: The Disciplinary Dynamics of Epistolary Narrative in the Correspondence of Maria Theresa and Marie-Antoinette

By Larry Wolff :

On 19 April 1770, the fourteen-year-old Hapsburg archduchess, Marie-Antoinette, was married in Vienna by proxy to the faraway Bourbon dauphin, the future Louis XVI. Two days later, Marie-Antoinette left Vienna forever, setting off to join her new husband in France, and taking leave of her mother, Empress Maria Theresa, whom she would never see again. That date—“21 April, the day of departure”—headed the first letter in the ten-year correspondence that then ensued between mother and daughter. It is a correspondence that has exercised a certain historical fascination since its first publication in 1864, especially inasmuch as the empress addressed herself to her daughter’s “frivolity” and “dissipation,” precisely the qualities that were making Marie-Antoinette into an emblem of decadence for the ancien régime on the brink of the French Revolution. The unmitigated separation of the two correspondents leaves their letters as the substance of their direct relations during these ten years until the death of the empress, no personal encounter intervening. This integrity of the epistolary relation offers a model for analysis of correspondence as a narrative form, since in this case it need never be interpreted as a secondary and subordinate epiphenomenon of a more immediate personal relation. This condition, furthermore, encourages the application of literary and textual techniques to the historical correspondence, inasmuch as the historical actors, Maria Theresa and Marie-Antoinette, could come to exist for each other as narrative constructs, more and more with each passing year of separation.


Ever heard of it ?

Who knows what lies beneath ?
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Fleur de Pomme de Terre

Fleur de Pomme de Terre

Nombre de messages : 257
Date d'inscription : 01/01/2019

Hapsburg Letters: The Disciplinary Dynamics of Epistolary Narrative in the Correspondence of Maria Theresa and Marie-Antoinette Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Hapsburg Letters: The Disciplinary Dynamics of Epistolary Narrative in the Correspondence of Maria Theresa and Marie-Antoinette   Hapsburg Letters: The Disciplinary Dynamics of Epistolary Narrative in the Correspondence of Maria Theresa and Marie-Antoinette Icon_minitimeSam 6 Mai - 12:43

Good morning, Maria. As far as I know, it has been published in "Marie-Antoinette: Writings on the Body of a Queen". But I don't have this book, I only borrowed it, so that I can't check.

Happy day ! Hapsburg Letters: The Disciplinary Dynamics of Epistolary Narrative in the Correspondence of Maria Theresa and Marie-Antoinette 580524

Et c'est quoi maintenant ? Violoncelle ?
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The Collector

The Collector

Nombre de messages : 824
Date d'inscription : 21/11/2014

Hapsburg Letters: The Disciplinary Dynamics of Epistolary Narrative in the Correspondence of Maria Theresa and Marie-Antoinette Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Hapsburg Letters: The Disciplinary Dynamics of Epistolary Narrative in the Correspondence of Maria Theresa and Marie-Antoinette   Hapsburg Letters: The Disciplinary Dynamics of Epistolary Narrative in the Correspondence of Maria Theresa and Marie-Antoinette Icon_minitimeDim 7 Mai - 10:03

Fleur de Pomme de Terre a écrit:
Marie-Antoinette: Writings on the Body of a Queen
Tout savoir
sur ce livre Hapsburg Letters: The Disciplinary Dynamics of Epistolary Narrative in the Correspondence of Maria Theresa and Marie-Antoinette 454943

On a tout dans ce Boudoir, je vous dis Hapsburg Letters: The Disciplinary Dynamics of Epistolary Narrative in the Correspondence of Maria Theresa and Marie-Antoinette 244157

J'fréquente que des baronnes aux noms comme des trombones.
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Nombre de messages : 1263
Date d'inscription : 22/10/2017

Hapsburg Letters: The Disciplinary Dynamics of Epistolary Narrative in the Correspondence of Maria Theresa and Marie-Antoinette Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Hapsburg Letters: The Disciplinary Dynamics of Epistolary Narrative in the Correspondence of Maria Theresa and Marie-Antoinette   Hapsburg Letters: The Disciplinary Dynamics of Epistolary Narrative in the Correspondence of Maria Theresa and Marie-Antoinette Icon_minitimeLun 15 Mai - 21:04

Seems fascinating. Got to read this.

Kisses Maria. Hapsburg Letters: The Disciplinary Dynamics of Epistolary Narrative in the Correspondence of Maria Theresa and Marie-Antoinette 405462

X est la force deux fois pure
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Nombre de messages : 24
Date d'inscription : 05/01/2023

Hapsburg Letters: The Disciplinary Dynamics of Epistolary Narrative in the Correspondence of Maria Theresa and Marie-Antoinette Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Hapsburg Letters: The Disciplinary Dynamics of Epistolary Narrative in the Correspondence of Maria Theresa and Marie-Antoinette   Hapsburg Letters: The Disciplinary Dynamics of Epistolary Narrative in the Correspondence of Maria Theresa and Marie-Antoinette Icon_minitimeVen 9 Juin - 11:05

Merci Maria Cosway. Votre forum a toujours d'excellentes références.
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pocket princess

pocket princess

Nombre de messages : 71
Date d'inscription : 15/07/2017

Hapsburg Letters: The Disciplinary Dynamics of Epistolary Narrative in the Correspondence of Maria Theresa and Marie-Antoinette Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Hapsburg Letters: The Disciplinary Dynamics of Epistolary Narrative in the Correspondence of Maria Theresa and Marie-Antoinette   Hapsburg Letters: The Disciplinary Dynamics of Epistolary Narrative in the Correspondence of Maria Theresa and Marie-Antoinette Icon_minitimeVen 28 Juil - 20:02

Décisif !

little miss muffet sat on a tuffet
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Note For Later

Note For Later

Nombre de messages : 156
Date d'inscription : 20/08/2016

Hapsburg Letters: The Disciplinary Dynamics of Epistolary Narrative in the Correspondence of Maria Theresa and Marie-Antoinette Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Hapsburg Letters: The Disciplinary Dynamics of Epistolary Narrative in the Correspondence of Maria Theresa and Marie-Antoinette   Hapsburg Letters: The Disciplinary Dynamics of Epistolary Narrative in the Correspondence of Maria Theresa and Marie-Antoinette Icon_minitimeJeu 10 Aoû - 15:12

Une étude qui doit se trouver dans toutes les bibliothèques.

One learns one's scale
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Nombre de messages : 77
Date d'inscription : 31/08/2017

Hapsburg Letters: The Disciplinary Dynamics of Epistolary Narrative in the Correspondence of Maria Theresa and Marie-Antoinette Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Hapsburg Letters: The Disciplinary Dynamics of Epistolary Narrative in the Correspondence of Maria Theresa and Marie-Antoinette   Hapsburg Letters: The Disciplinary Dynamics of Epistolary Narrative in the Correspondence of Maria Theresa and Marie-Antoinette Icon_minitimeDim 19 Nov - 18:30

Note For Later a écrit:
Une étude qui doit se trouver dans toutes les bibliothèques.

Je plussoie. Enfin étudier Marie-Antoinette de façon factuelle et non émotionnelle.

Les choses de l'amour ça voyage pas
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Hapsburg Letters: The Disciplinary Dynamics of Epistolary Narrative in the Correspondence of Maria Theresa and Marie-Antoinette
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