Le Boudoir de Marie-Antoinette

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 Barnave: The Revolutionary who Lost his Head for Marie Antoinette

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Maria Cosway

Maria Cosway

Nombre de messages : 733
Date d'inscription : 05/07/2015

Barnave: The Revolutionary who Lost his Head for Marie Antoinette Empty
MessageSujet: Barnave: The Revolutionary who Lost his Head for Marie Antoinette   Barnave: The Revolutionary who Lost his Head for Marie Antoinette Icon_minitimeDim 26 Nov - 11:04

Another gentleman who loved our dear Queen so much... Barnave: The Revolutionary who Lost his Head for Marie Antoinette 405462

Barnave: The Revolutionary who Lost his Head for Marie Antoinette 97803010

Antoine Barnave was one of the most influential statesmen in the early French Revolution. He was a didactic man of austere morals and vaulting ambition who dressed as an English dandy, running up considerable tailor's bills. Before his execution at age thirty-two, he played a decisive role in revolutionary politics and even governed France in 1791 through a secret correspondence with Marie-Antoinette. This biography, the first for more than a century, traces Barnave's life from his youth in Dauphiné to his role in the Constituent Assembly and his part in forming the Feuillants, the party dedicated to the moderate cause. Despite his early death, Barnave left a remarkable volume of material, from published works to thousands of manuscript pages. This biography uses the rich archive to explore the life of this elusive writer, politician, and thinker—and sheds new light on the revolutionary period.

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Barnave: The Revolutionary who Lost his Head for Marie Antoinette
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