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 Collection et petit Trianon de Richard Baron Cohen

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Nombre de messages : 40599
Date d'inscription : 23/05/2007

Collection et petit Trianon de Richard Baron Cohen  Empty
MessageSujet: Collection et petit Trianon de Richard Baron Cohen    Collection et petit Trianon de Richard Baron Cohen  Icon_minitimeVen 28 Mar - 9:47

Une vente qui ne s'est assurément pas passée dans la même cour de récré...  Collection et petit Trianon de Richard Baron Cohen  887322 

Porcelain collector Richard Baron Cohen puts sprawling Oyster Bay mansion on the market for $15M

The 6-acre waterfront house is modeled after Marie Antoinette's Versailles chateau Petit Trianon. The lux limestone abode includes an indoor theater and holds one of the world's most extensive porcelain collections.

Collection et petit Trianon de Richard Baron Cohen  Oyster10

Richard Cohen, 55, has decided to sell his waterfront Oyster Bay mansion, which was inspired by Marie Antoinette's Le Petit Trianon at Versailles.
If ever there was ever a willing seller, it’s porcelain collector Richard Baron Cohen.

The Long Islander just put his 6-acre waterfront house modeled after Marie Antoinette’s Versailles chateau Petit Trianon on the market for $15 million. Two years ago, the limestone manse was priced at $22.5 million.

Collection et petit Trianon de Richard Baron Cohen  Oyster11

The home is called " Twinight" because of the way it glows at sunset.
“My father said to me when I was young that around 55 years old I would get sick of all the stuff and want to live in comfort,” said the voracious collector, who is 55. “He was right. I don’t need all of this. I want out already.”

Collection et petit Trianon de Richard Baron Cohen  Oyster12

The 3-story Oyster Bay, Long Island home includes an in-ground pool, long driveway and a guard house.
Cohen and his father built the original eight-bedroom, 11-bath waterfront replica — complete with gold-plated hippopotamus faucets — after purchasing the land in 1995. In 1998, the Oyster Bay home caved in because the limestone was too heavy for the frame.

Collection et petit Trianon de Richard Baron Cohen  Oyster13

Two years ago, the mansion was priced at $22.5 million.
To hold up better, Cohen rebuilt the house with a concrete and steel frame similar to the style used in office buildings, and moved into the new home in 2005.

Collection et petit Trianon de Richard Baron Cohen  Oyster14

The library inside of the sprawling waterfront mansion.
The house — called Twinight because it glows pink at sunset — holds one of the world’s most extensive porcelain collections, including 2,500 mostly European pieces, and portrait miniatures created between 1780 and 1840. Cohen made his money in real estate with his father and on his own in manufacturing.

Collection et petit Trianon de Richard Baron Cohen  Oyster15

The mansion is home to one of the world's most extensive porcelain collections.
The quirky Cohen also amassed the world’s second-largest collection of Three Stooges memorabilia along with locks of Napoleon’s hair. He says his next move could be to Princeton, N.J.

Collection et petit Trianon de Richard Baron Cohen  Oyster16

he home also includes an indoor theater.
“I’ll go somewhere intellectual, buy a building for all the things, and live on the top floor,” Cohen said. "I've spent too much of my life in cars. I want to walk around more."

Collection et petit Trianon de Richard Baron Cohen  Oyster17

The home has 8 bedrooms and 11 baths.
His broker, Shawn Elliott, plans a big international and digital push.

“It’s the best of the best in Long Island,” said Elliott. “Everyone who drives up the driveway goes ‘Whoa.’ ”

For more on the home, go to ShawnElliott.com. Elliott is marketing the home with his son, Zachary.


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Collection et petit Trianon de Richard Baron Cohen
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