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 Is this portrait by Vigee Labrun ?

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2 participants
amazing grace

amazing grace

Nombre de messages : 73
Date d'inscription : 13/04/2016

Is this portrait by Vigee Labrun ? Empty
MessageSujet: Is this portrait by Vigee Labrun ?   Is this portrait by Vigee Labrun ? Icon_minitimeMar 12 Juin - 7:41

I love this portrait. Is it by Vigee Lebrun ?

Is this portrait by Vigee Labrun ? Zzzzzi11

whatever you can see can inspire you
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Nombre de messages : 1263
Date d'inscription : 22/10/2017

Is this portrait by Vigee Labrun ? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Is this portrait by Vigee Labrun ?   Is this portrait by Vigee Labrun ? Icon_minitimeMar 12 Juin - 21:01

Hi ! Obviously, this oil on canvas looks like the official portrait painted by Elisabeth Vigée Lebrun.  Wink

Probably by the French school (?). This portrait belongs to Michèle Lorin.

That's all I can tell you about this painting, sorry. If you want to see more about Michèle Lorin's collection, see here.


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Is this portrait by Vigee Labrun ?
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