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 Marie Antoinette’s Confidante: The Rise and Fall of the Princesse de Lamballe

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Maria Cosway

Maria Cosway

Nombre de messages : 734
Date d'inscription : 05/07/2015

Marie Antoinette’s Confidante: The Rise and Fall of the Princesse de Lamballe Empty
MessageSujet: Marie Antoinette’s Confidante: The Rise and Fall of the Princesse de Lamballe   Marie Antoinette’s Confidante: The Rise and Fall of the Princesse de Lamballe Icon_minitimeSam 1 Déc - 12:15

First of all, let met show you the cover. Wink

Marie Antoinette’s Confidante: The Rise and Fall of the Princesse de Lamballe 61yloq10

About the book:
Marie Antoinette has always fascinated readers worldwide. Yet perhaps no one knew her better than one of her closest confidantes, Marie Thérèse, the Princess de Lamballe. The Princess became superintendent of the Queen’s household in 1774, and through her relationship with Marie Antoinette, a unique perspective of the lavishness and daily intrigue at Versailles is exposed.

Born into the famous House of Savoy in Turin, Italy, Marie Thérèse was married at the age of seventeen to the Prince de Lamballe; heir to one of the richest fortunes in France. He transported her to the gold-leafed and glittering chandeliered halls of the Château de Versailles, where she soon found herself immersed in the political and sexual scandals that surrounded the royal court. As the plotters and planners of Versailles sought, at all costs, to gain the favor of Louis XVI and his Queen, the Princess de Lamballe was there to witness it all.

This book reveals the Princess de Lamballe’s version of these events and is based on a wide variety of historical sources, helping to capture the waning days and grisly demise of the French monarchy. The story immerses you in a world of titillating sexual rumors, bloodthirsty revolutionaries, and hair-raising escape attempts and is a must read for anyone interested in Marie Antoinette, the origins of the French Revolution, or life in the late 18th Century.

About the Author:
Geri Walton has long been fascinated by history and the people who create it. Their stories and the reasons why they did what they did encouraged her to receive a BA in History from San Jose State University, where she graduated summa cum laude. She is particularly interested in European history of the 18th and 19th Centuries, which has resulted in her website, http://www.geriwalton.com and her blog http://18thcand19thc.blogspot.com. You can also find her on twitter @18thCand19thC.

It is a very interesting reading about the Princesse de Lamballe, getting deep into her fascinating and so sad life.

Who knows what lies beneath ?
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