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 La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton

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Unhappy Housewife
flower power
de La Reinta
madame antoine
The Collector
11 participants
The Collector

The Collector

Nombre de messages : 822
Date d'inscription : 21/11/2014

La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton Empty
MessageSujet: La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton   La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton Icon_minitimeVen 17 Fév 2023 - 11:14

Sortira sur Netflix juste avant le couronnement de Charles III

La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton 914132 La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton 914132 le timing La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton 914132 La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton 914132

Ce sera le 4 mai
Il y aura 6 épisodes
et ça concernera
les débuts de la jeune Charlotte
à la cour d’Angleterre.

Vous ne reconnaissez pas Charlotte ? La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton 588717
Allez voir ici

J'fréquente que des baronnes aux noms comme des trombones.
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Nombre de messages : 1005
Date d'inscription : 19/09/2015

La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton   La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton Icon_minitimeLun 6 Mar 2023 - 10:27

Merci, cher ami. Je peine à reconnaître la reine Charlotte. Mais enfin, ce ne serait pas la première fois qu'un casting étonnerait les amateurs d'Histoire.

Cet été-là, l'extravagance était à la mode.
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madame antoine

madame antoine

Nombre de messages : 6900
Date d'inscription : 30/03/2014

La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton   La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton Icon_minitimeJeu 23 Mar 2023 - 20:59

Bien chers Amis du Boudoir de Marie-Antoinette,

Voici un complément d'information nous permettant de mieux comprendre l'intention.

It's time to spill some royal-tea.

Netflix has dropped the first full-length trailer for Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story, the highly anticipate prequel spin-off to the beloved Shondaland period romance.

The trailer gives us a more in-depth look at the life of young Charlotte (India Amarteifio), the pressures that accompany her to the palace (lots and lots of babies), and her struggle to assert herself as queen and wife while her husband George (Corey Mylchreest) tries to both romance her and hide his deepest secrets from her.

We also see glimpses of Golda Rosheuvel's older Queen Charlotte, as she is haunted by the ghosts of her past. Also reprising their roles from Bridgerton are Adjoa Andoh as the adult Lady Danbury, Ruth Gemmell as Violet Bridgerton, and Hugh Sachs as Brimsley.

As the series tracks the Queen's rise to prominence and power, it offers viewers a glimpse at a love story that will spark a societal shift and create the world of the ton that audiences have come to know in Bridgerton.

La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton En-us_10

The spin-off, which was first announced in 2021, boasts Shonda Rhimes as showrunner and writer. The cast also features Michelle Fairley (Gangs of London) as Princess Augusta; Arsema Thomas as young Agatha Danbury; Sam Clemmett (Harry Potter and the Cursed Child) as young Brimsley; Freddie Dennis (The Nevers) as Reynolds; Richard Cunningham (The Witcher) as Lord Bute; Tunji Kasim (Nancy Drew) as Adolphus; Rob Maloney (Casualty) as the Royal Doctor; and Cyril Nri (Cucumber) as Lord Danbury.

Queen Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz became a breakout character in the first season of the hit Netflix series. She was married to King George III, aka Mad King George, and ruled for nearly six decades. Charlotte died in 1818 at the age of 74.

As played by Rosheuvel and now Amarteifio, Charlotte reflects some historians' belief that the real-life queen was of African descent.

La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton Queenc10

La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton Tzolz126

La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton Queenc11

La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton Serie-10

La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton Queenc12

La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton Vanaf-10

La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton Bridge10

Nous serons évidemment amenés à étoffer le présent sujet.

Bien à vous

madame antoine

Plus rien ne peut plus me faire de mal à présent (Marie-Antoinette)
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de La Reinta

de La Reinta

Nombre de messages : 1436
Date d'inscription : 15/03/2016

La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton   La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton Icon_minitimeJeu 23 Mar 2023 - 21:01

La dernière photo La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton 405462 La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton 405462 La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton 405462 le beau gosse La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton 405462 La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton 405462 La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton 405462 La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton 405462

Je dois avouer ma dissipation et paresse pour les choses sérieuses
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flower power

flower power

Nombre de messages : 515
Date d'inscription : 09/05/2015

La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton   La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton Icon_minitimeVen 24 Mar 2023 - 10:07

madame antoine a écrit:
As played by Rosheuvel and now Amarteifio, Charlotte reflects some historians' belief that the real-life queen was of African descent.

L'idée de faire jouer la reine Charlotte par une jeune femme métisse n'est pas si loufoque qu'il n'y paraît. Et la controverse ne date pas d'hier. Son contemporain Horace Walpole déjà lui trouvait les narines et les lèvres épaisses.
Ouaiche. Il semble que ce bon vieil Horace n'ait eu de palpitations que pour Marie-Antoinette, car en fait, le futur roi George III était considéré l'heureux époux de la plus belle princesse de son temps.

Sur ses tableaux, Charlotte a la peau très pale voire diaphane. Mais ça ne veut rien dire. Soit les peintres l'ont blanchie pour la représenter dans les canons de l'époque, soit elle mettait une masse de fond de teint.
Soit elle était vraiment comme ça.

En fait on n'en sait rien, et les portraits ne sont pas fiables (on se le dit tous les jours pour Marie-Antoinette). Mais ce qui est sûr, c'est qu'elle avait une ascendance africaine.

Alors jusqu'à quel point ce gène a influé sur son physique ? Who knows ?

La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton Tzolzo22

Parmi les articles qui se posent des questions

Du coup, toutes les familles royales actuelles sont afro-descendantes.

a mortifying family tradition
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Unhappy Housewife

Unhappy Housewife

Nombre de messages : 47
Date d'inscription : 11/01/2022

La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton   La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton Icon_minitimeDim 26 Mar 2023 - 9:59

Exemple du wokisme ambiant.
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Nombre de messages : 2238
Date d'inscription : 04/10/2017

La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton   La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton Icon_minitimeDim 26 Mar 2023 - 14:00

Très bien que les historiens recherchent les racines des personnages célèbres et se posent des questions sans tabous. La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton 914132

- Je ne vous jette pas la pierre, Pierre -
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flower power

flower power

Nombre de messages : 515
Date d'inscription : 09/05/2015

La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton   La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton Icon_minitimeVen 5 Mai 2023 - 19:44

Entrons dans les secrets des costumes.

  • Behind the Seams: The Secrets of the ‘Queen Charlotte’ Costumes

    Costume designers Lyn Elizabeth Paolo and Laura Frecon discuss the sumptuous gowns and jewels of the series.

    La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton Aaaaqf10

    To source items for the costumes in Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story, costume designers Lyn Elizabeth Paolo and Laura Frecon visited museums, silk mills and jewelry houses. They went to Spain, Italy, England and the US. They even custom-made hundreds of 1760s-accurate underpinnings in order to outfit the cast in the new series, which follows the early romance of Queen Charlotte and King George, played in their younger years by India Amarteifio and Corey Mylchreest and in their Bridgerton era by Golda Rosheuvel and James Fleet.

    While Queen Charlotte and King George are real-life historical figures, the series is fictional. But nearly every aspect of the costume design was rooted in actual history, from the Georgian dress silhouettes to the exact replica crowns fabricated by Italian jeweler Pikkio. Below, Paolo and Frecon take Tudum on an in-depth journey through the gorgeous costumes of Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story.

    La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton Aaaaqx10


    While the gowns and jewels are what catch your eye on-screen, the quest to transport the Queen Charlotte actors back to the 18th century began with hundreds of custom-made undergarments. The underpinnings for the principal cast were made by skilled English corset-makers — “especially for the corsets that you see on camera where Charlotte or Lady Danbury is being laced up,” Paolo says.

    The rest were crafted in Los Angeles and shipped to London. “We ended up making most of the corsets for the background and the tutus and the bum rolls in Torrance, of all places, and had everything shipped over because the amount of volume that we needed to make — there was no way we were going to get it done in England.” Paolo and Frecon made hundreds of corsets, they calculate, in order to give every extra in every crowd scene a period-appropriate silhouette.

    Over the corsets were fabrics sourced from New York and all over Europe, including silks from Sudbury, Suffolk, the UK’s historic center of silk weaving; brocades and damasks from France; and plenty of inventory from the London fabric store Joel & Son, which works with the current royal family. The actual amount of fabric Paolo and Frecon used for the series is impossible to tally, Frecon tells Tudum.

    “For instance, one of young Charlotte’s gowns, just the taffeta that we used for the over-robe was between 13 and 20 meters per gown,” she says. “That doesn’t include all the lace and organza and everything else.”

    La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton Aaaaqe10

    A new look

    After Paolo and Frecon brushed up on their Georgian history, they dug into more modern fashion archives for inspiration, which Frecon described to Netflix as “high fashion meets period style, with a twist.”

    Specifically, that meant ’50s Christian Dior and Roger Vivier — the house that made Christian Dior’s shoes and also made young Charlotte’s shoes in the show. The designer Charles James, one of Paolo’s personal favorites, was another ’50s-era inspiration.

    As Paolo told Netflix, “Dior was a huge inspiration for us, especially because I think a lot of the Dior New Look actually came from this period, that shape and that silhouette. We were echoing the 1760s and the late 1940s, 1950s, and that Dior New Look is reflected in many of the costumes on the show.”

    In keeping with the show’s modern take on aristocratic aesthetics, the designers would kid each other about the show launching a revival of the ’80s New Romantic look, with foppish lads gallivanting about in fancy embroidered waistcoats — “or maybe Harry Styles will wear one of the jackets,” Paolo jokes.

    La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton Aaaaqa10

    Crown jewels

    To give you a sense of how important jewelry was to Queen Charlotte, the code name for the production was Jewels. “That was our secret name. And so the Jewels of it all, and the layering jewels on every bodice and in everyone’s hair, became all-consuming,” Paolo says.

    In addition to the custom Pikkio pieces, Paolo and Frecon sourced jewelry from the companies Larkspur & Hawk (which created several significant pieces for young Charlotte) and Autore (which created Princess Augusta’s pearl designs), as well as rental-and-sales house Joseff of Hollywood. While some pieces evoke historic royalty — including a replica of Marie Antoinette’s three-strand diamond bracelet, seen briefly on the young Queen Charlotte’s wrist — others evoke Hollywood royalty, including pieces used in the 1938 film Marie Antoinette, starring Norma Shearer.

    The most elaborate piece in the series was Queen Charlotte’s wedding tiara. Frecon told Netflix the headpiece was inspired by “historic images of other royals, including Queen Elizabeth II, and this beautiful tiara en tremblant from an Elie Saab runway show. Our incredible milliner, Jen Lewis, and in-house jeweler, Stephen Rogers, teamed up and meticulously, by hand, put together that wedding tiara. We ordered pieces in, we used existing pieces, we shopped pieces, but that was all completely handmade. And many fittings later, we made sure it worked well.”

    La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton Aaaaqx11

    Becoming Queen Charlotte

    While Paolo and Frecon looked to their extensive research for ideas, they also had another source of inspiration: Shonda Rhimes herself. Often, the creator would write costume details directly into the script — like Charlotte’s speech about her whalebone corset.

    “She wrote that and I howled laughing, reading it,” Paolo tells Tudum. “I was like, ‘OK, Shonda, bring it on.’ The only difference was she had written rubies, and I thought, ‘I don’t want to do red because we’re saving that for Golda’s character, for [the Regency] Queen Charlotte.’ And so we wrote back and said, ‘Would you mind a few sapphires?’ and she said, ‘Of course not.’ ”

    The older version of the character wears lots of regal reds and golds, while young Charlotte starts the series with greens and pinks and blues. “Towards the end of Queen Charlotte, her greens get softer, and her oranges turn to peaches, and so the two versions become joined in a way,” Paolo told Netflix.

    In contrast, one major aspect of Queen Charlotte’s style refuses to evolve: Even in the Regency scenes, she continues to wear a Georgian-era dress silhouette. “Why did she not change? For us, it was about her love story,” Frecon told Netflix. “This is the style she wore when she met her husband, when he still recognized her. So there was a great sadness surrounding that piece of her costumes.”

    La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton Aaaaqs10

    Lady Danbury, in living color

    Lady Danbury, as played by Arsema Thomas in her younger years and Adjoa Andoh in the Bridgerton era, also shows her character evolution through her color story. “It’s an origin story,” Paolo tells Tudum. “So we know where we need to end up, don’t we?” The designers worked closely with Rhimes to chart the character’s path, with some of their observations about her palette making their way into the script.

    “Agatha Danbury, in the beginning, is very much overruled by her husband, Lord Danbury, and tries so hard to please him. And he loves gold,” Frecon told Netflix.

    La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton Aaaaqt10

    A fit for King George

    The men of Queen Charlotte also wore their share of ornate, regal costumes. Paolo tells Tudum, “The thing to notice with George is that the only time that his costumes are heavily embroidered and regal are when he has to do something in public — the wedding, the coronation, the balls. But when he’s just himself, everything is simpler. That layer of embroidery was a weight on him, and it represents that weight of the crown.”

    And while the women of the cast wore their traditional underpinnings, the men kept it authentic in historically accurate heeled shoes. “Probably most of them have never worn heeled shoes like that and learned to walk in them. And the stockings — we used real stockings,” Frecon says. “It was really great to watch them transform, even see the effect of the cravats and the socks that we used. They all had lace or ruffles. It was great to watch them transform once they put all that on.”

King George n'est pas très ressemblant.

a mortifying family tradition
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Nombre de messages : 267
Date d'inscription : 01/05/2020

La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton   La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton Icon_minitimeSam 6 Mai 2023 - 11:08

Justement parlons costumes. On peut se demander si l'entrée en scène n'est pas un clin d'oeil au film de Coppola.

La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton Le-pre10

Mais oui, ce look vous dit quelque chose. La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton 194575
Je suis magnanime, je ne vais pas vous laisser fouiller dans tout le forum. Tada !

La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton Tzolzo23

Si vous êtes accro à Bridgerton, passez votre chemin, l'inspiration est définitivement.

La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton Tzolzo24
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Nombre de messages : 321
Date d'inscription : 01/12/2018

La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton   La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton Icon_minitimeMar 9 Mai 2023 - 11:33

Unhappy Housewife a écrit:
Exemple du wokisme ambiant.

Ce prequel de Bridgerton est en effet éminemment politique.

  • Un bouleversement majeur

    Pour la première fois, les titres de la noblesse ne sont plus réservés aux Blancs, ce qui constitue évidemment un bouleversement politique majeur dans une société historiquement raciste. Les enjeux de ce préquel sont donc éminemment sérieux [...]

La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton 18a31b10

globule a écrit:
Très bien que les historiens recherchent les racines des personnages célèbres et se posent des questions sans tabous. La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton 914132

Entièrement d'accord avec vous, trop de tabous divers pèsent encore sur l'Histoire. Mais encore faut-il raison garder et pas travestir la réalité historique. C'est un équilibre très difficile à garder.

London bridge is falling down
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Sunset Boulevard

Sunset Boulevard

Nombre de messages : 74
Date d'inscription : 11/08/2021

La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton   La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton Icon_minitimeMar 9 Mai 2023 - 14:30

Il convient quand même de conserver la vérité historique, je dirais même qu'il vaut mieux représenter les injustices telles qu'elles ont eu lieu, pour les expliquer et les combattre. Nier le passé ne sert à rien.

Qu'est-ce qu'une syncope ?
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Nombre de messages : 146
Date d'inscription : 31/05/2020

La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton   La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton Icon_minitimeLun 6 Mai 2024 - 19:21

Pour en savoir plus sur Charlotte la belle reine métisse

Loulou' et 'Boutin
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La reine Charlotte : Un chapitre Bridgerton
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