Le Boudoir de Marie-Antoinette

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 Une tapisserie cadeau de mariage quitte à nouveau la France

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Nombre de messages : 40581
Date d'inscription : 23/05/2007

Une tapisserie cadeau de mariage quitte à nouveau la France Empty
MessageSujet: Une tapisserie cadeau de mariage quitte à nouveau la France   Une tapisserie cadeau de mariage quitte à nouveau la France Icon_minitimeMer 16 Avr - 12:55

La tapisserie "Le Colin Maillard", qui faisait partie d'un lot de 4 présents offerts lors du mariage de Marie Antoinette, avait été prêté le temps d'une exposition au musée Aubusson. Elle va à présent quitter la France pour regagner Bantry House.

Bantry House tapestry returns from Aubusson Museum, France

Une tapisserie cadeau de mariage quitte à nouveau la France Bantry10
Le Colin Maillard at Bantry House

BANTRY House & Garden has confirmed that its tapestry, “Le Colin Maillard” has been returned from the renowned Aubusson Museum in France where it was on loan for an international exhibition.

The tapestry, one of a set of four was a wedding present for Marie Antoinette and the set has hung in Bantry House since the 1870s when the 2nd Earl of Bantry purchased them at Versailles.

The tapestry chosen was one depicting a playful scene of Blind Man’s Buff surrounded by beautiful arrangements of floral ornaments on a pink background.

The tapestry had been taken down and sent to the Aubusson Museum in May 2013. To send the tapestry to France was a delicate operation and the textile conservator May Berkouwer from England came to organise both the taking down and rehanging of the tapestry.

On both occasions a team of six people delicately handled the tapestry with scaffolding provided by Spillane Bros the estate builders.

The tapestry was cleaned and some minor repairs carried out before its departure for France. Now the tapestry has been returned safely and has been rehung at Bantry House looking better than ever for visitors to admire.

Brigitte Shelswell-White was delighted to have been asked to partake in such a prestigious exhibition and from April 18th visitors to Bantry House will be able once again to marvel at all four Aubusson tapestries.

Bantry House & Garden will reopen to the public on Friday 18th April 2014. For opening hours B&B booking and events visit www.bantryhouse.com or call 027 50047.


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Une tapisserie cadeau de mariage quitte à nouveau la France
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