Le Boudoir de Marie-Antoinette

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 You Are There - The Trial Of Marie Antoinette - October 17 1948

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Nombre de messages : 40596
Date d'inscription : 23/05/2007

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MessageSujet: You Are There - The Trial Of Marie Antoinette - October 17 1948   You Are There - The Trial Of Marie Antoinette - October 17 1948 Icon_minitimeMar 11 Nov - 22:33

On peut écouter ici une très ancienne émission de la série américaine You Are There. Elle a été diffusée le 17 octobre 1948 et concernait le procès de Marie Antoinette:

You Are There - The Trial Of Marie Antoinette - October 17 1948 1400x110

The Trial Of Marie Antoinette (Aired October 17, 1948)

You Are There is an American historical educational television and radio series broadcast over the CBS Radio and CBS Television networks. Reated by Goodman Ace for CBS Radio, it blended history with modern technology, taking an entire network newsroom on a figurative time warp each week reporting the great events of the past. Reporters included John Charles Daly, Don Hollenbeck and Richard C. Hottelet. The series was first heard on July 7, 1947 under the title CBS Is There. Its final broadcast was on March 19, 1950 under the title You Are There. According to author/historian Martin Grams, actor Canada Lee was a guest in episodes 32 and 60. Martin Gabel appeared in character in episode 82. The first 23 broadcasts went under the title CBS Is There and beginning with episode 24, the title changed to You Are There.

THIS EPISODE: October 17, 1948. CBS network. [u]The Trial Of Marie Antoinette/u]. Sustaining. The events of October 16, 1793. The rabble of the Revolution try the ex-queen, with little thought of justice. Robert Lewis Shayon (writer, producer, director). 29:20. Episode Notes From The Radio Gold Index.

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