madame antoine
Nombre de messages : 6900 Date d'inscription : 30/03/2014
| Sujet: Miniatures XVIIIème siècle représentant des membres de la famille autrichienne de Marie-Antoinette Dim 8 Mar - 9:41 | |
| Voici une miniature du début des années 1770 représentant l'Impératrice Marie-Thérèse, peinte par Joseph Ducreux. "Portrait of the Austrian Empress Maria Theresa in widow dress". This small miniature is an absolutely authentic and typical work of the well known artist of the 18th century Joseph Ducreux (see for comparison our additional images with clip from Richard Walker "The eighteenth and early nineteenth century miniatures in he collection of Her Majesty the Queen", Cambridge, 1992, p. 194-195, N° 390-391.
Joseph Ducreux (1735 Nancy - 1802 Paris) was the favorite student of La Tour, having also been strongly influenced by the works of his friend Greuze. He spent a few years in Vienna, where he worked at the the court, painted the royals and the representatives of the high aristocracy. Also in Vienna he became a member of the Academy. Back in France he became the "premier peintre" of Marie Antoinette and received the title of Baron.
Provenance: Berliner Kunstgewerbe Museum; Private collection, USA. madame antoine _________________ Plus rien ne peut plus me faire de mal à présent (Marie-Antoinette)